James Tellen

Once in awhile, I like to bring the rest of Wisconsin to you!  There are some really great places to see art that are just too far for a field trip.  One of those places is Kohler, WI area.

I have a lot of family in that area including my Grandma.She has lived in the same house for over 40 years and recently moved into assisted living.  This is an apartment where she can get extra help when she needs.  My Grandma’s house was always a really special place for me (as I’m sure your Grandma’s house is a special place for you).  She lived in Sheboygan, WI which is very close to Kohler.  Her backyard was all woods and it touched on another backyard, James Tellen.  Now James Tellen didn’t live there, he died in 1957.  No one lived there but his art remained.  He made sculptures from cement.  My cousins and I LOVED playing in the woods at Grandma’s and we LOVED playing in, around and on James Tellen’s sculptures.  We didn’t know they were his sculptures at the time, we just thought it was fun to play on them!  John Tellen began making art in 1942 until his death in 1957.  In 2000, the John Michael Kohler Arts Center bought the property and opened it to the public so everyone could enjoy the sculptures!

The castle was always my favorite.  : )

There is a sculpture on the left of this photo but you can also see my Grandma’s house in the background.  More specifically, you can see her art studio.  This is where my love of art came from!

More about John Tellen at this website and this podcast.